Cheering Up Loved Ones With Severe Back Pain

Adding Some Sunshine to a Love One with Back Pain

Back and neck conditions often create peaks and troughs of pain. Some days may be completely or nearly pain-free where other days are a surge of crushing discomfort.

Back and neck conditions often create peaks and troughs of pain. Some days may be completely or nearly pain-free where other days are a surge of crushing discomfort. When one day of pain turns into several days of unrelenting pain, these extended flare-ups can quickly dampen spirits and create a slippery slope of the unintended cragginess.  The pain and downtime caused by a sudden increase in unmanageable symptoms can lead to a depressive mood and an antagonistic cycle which can set its place for prolonging the feelings of both physical pain and emotional depression.

Significant back pain that lasts for more than 24 hours can begin to cause a substantial decrease in life’s activities and plans. This abrupt inactivity lowers the body’s endorphin release, which, without this natural soother, prolongs feelings of depression and agitation and also leaves our pain receptors thirsty for relief. The cycle continues as the pain persists, which leads to further inactivity and the inability to experience the benefits our bodies offer up in the role of healing.

Contacting a doctor to review the flare up and make sure it’s safe to move forward in the healing process is always advised first.  Once you have his or her reassurance that the back condition is one that can benefit from conservative treatment, then it’s time to get moving.

The great news is that endorphins perk up very quickly with just a little bit of activity. A loved one with a nagging backache will many times surprisingly experience benefit and pain relief once they begin moving about instead of guarding the flare up by staying sedentary.  Even if, on the first day, it is just strolling outside to feel the warm sun for a bit. Offer a steady hand, stay in good spirits and be encouraging. As hard as it might be, being patient and supportive should be a top priority as your loved one recovers. Each day, increase the activity time and increments a little bit.  Most times, the old adage of “loosing” up the back is not such a bad idea after all.

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