What to Know About Spinal Infections

Spinal infections can be very serious and have the potential to cause long-term damage. While spinal infections are rare, they can have serious repercussions if left untreated. It is important to know the signs of a spinal infection, as well as the treatments available, so you or a loved one can manage the condition.

If you find yourself dealing with the symptoms of a spinal infection, reach out to our team at Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery today. We will tailor a plan that can help mitigate any symptoms you may be experiencing to help you heal from your spinal infection. 

What Is a Spinal Infection?

A spinal infection can impact any part of the spine, including the spinal discs, spinal cord, and surrounding tissues. Spinal infections can be caused by either bacterial or fungal infections. If you suspect you have a spinal infection, it is important to see a doctor immediately, as these types of infections can cause severe back pain and other health problems if left untreated. 

When an infection involves the spine, it can spread quickly throughout the body and cause serious damage. Bacterial infections are often treated with antibiotics, while fungal infections may require antifungal medications. In some cases, surgery may be necessary in order to remove any infected tissue and prevent further damage from occurring. 

What Are the Symptoms of a Spinal Infection?

Symptoms of a spinal infection may include:

  • Back pain
  • Fever
  • Chills 
  • General discomfort or malaise
  • Weakness in the legs
  • Tingling sensations in the extremities
  • Changes in bladder or bowel control

It is important to watch out for these signs of a spinal infection, as they can be indicative of a dangerous underlying condition that requires immediate medical attention.

What Causes a Spinal Infection?

A spinal infection can be caused by a number of factors, such as bacteria or fungi entering the spine through cuts or trauma to the area. It can also develop from an existing infection elsewhere in the body that spreads to the spine. 

Common types of spinal infections include osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, and discitis. These infections can cause significant pain and other problems around the affected area, which may require medical attention and long-term treatment. 

Discs in between each vertebra of the spine are particularly vulnerable to infection due to their close proximity to surrounding tissue and organs. If left untreated, a spinal infection may lead to permanent damage or paralysis if not properly addressed.

How Serious Is a Spinal Infection?

A spinal infection can be serious and may require immediate diagnosis and treatment. If you suspect that you have a spinal infection, it is important to contact your doctor immediately. Without appropriate treatment, the infection can spread quickly and cause permanent damage to the spine and/or nerves. 

Diagnosis of a spinal infection typically involves imaging tests such as x-rays or MRI scans, as well as blood tests to check for bacteria or fungus in the bloodstream. Treatment may involve antibiotics or antifungal medications to fight the infection, as well as physical therapy to help strengthen muscles affected by the infection. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential for preventing long-term damage from a spinal infection.

What Are Treatment Options For Spinal Infections?

When it comes to treatment options for a bacterial infection of the spine, the main approach is usually an antibiotic, either taken orally or intravenously. Oral antibiotics are usually prescribed first, and if they don’t work, then an intravenous antibiotic may be necessary. 

Depending on the severity of the infection, other treatments, such as spinal immobilization, may also be recommended. Surgery may be necessary in severe cases where the bacteria has spread to other parts of the body or caused damage to tissue and organs. 

In some cases, a combination of treatments may be used in order to achieve full recovery. It is important to discuss all available treatment options with your doctor and make sure that you understand what each option entails before making a decision on which one is best for you.

Treat Spinal Infections With Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery

A spinal infection is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with quickly. Otherwise, you could face serious long-term implications. Fortunately, you can get help for a spinal infection from the right spine surgeon. 

Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery specializes in treating spinal conditions and infections. We can diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions that need immediate care. Get in touch with us at (855) 853-6542 or through our contact form to schedule an appointment and be seen right away.

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