Do you have a spinal condition that’s causing you chronic pain intense enough to interfere with your life or day-to-day activities? Are you afraid you’ll never be able to get your pain under control or that it might continue to worsen as you age?
Many people with spinal disorders feel frustrated, confused, and helpless about their conditions. As many as 500,000 people suffer from some form of spinal injury each year. The good news is that you can ease your concerns and fears by gaining a better understanding of your condition.
At NJ Spine and Orthopedic, we work to help you understand your symptoms, diagnose your condition and inform you of the various treatments. Below is an overview of the most common types of spine conditions, as well as other orthopedic conditions.
Adjacent Segment Disease
An adjacent segment disc disease is the presence of a degenerative disc that affects the spinal column above and below a previously operated segment. It can occur in any patient who has had previous spine surgery.
MoreAdult Degenerative Scoliosis
Adult degenerative scoliosis, also known as adult-onset scoliosis, is a unique and frustrating disease where the spine begins to curve due to age-degeneration of your facet joints and intervertebral discs. While scoliosis is often considered a childhood ailment, the causes and mechanics of adult-onset scoliosis are entirely different.
MoreAging Management Solution
As you age, your muscle mass declines — that’s a scientific fact. It declines around 3% to 8% every decade after you’ve reached the age of 30; along with this, fat mass increases. So, it’s harder to lose weight, and you start to become fatigued more easily.
MoreAnterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery
Anterior cervical corpectomy spine surgery is a procedure that is performed to correct several different problems in the spine. This surgery is typically performed to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.
MoreAnterior Cervical Discectomy Surgery
Whether you’re dealing with pinched nerves or an irritated spinal disk, medical professionals can help you combat this discomfort. The sooner you act, the more likely our team can reduce your pain and preserve your full range of movement.
MoreAnterior Cervical Discectomy with Fusion
Anterior cervical discectomy with fusion (ACDF) surgery is a standard procedure to treat neck pain caused by herniated discs or degenerative disc disease. ACDF aims to relieve pressure and prevent further damage to the spinal cord.
MoreAnterior Lumbar Corpectomy and Fusion
Your lumbar vertebrae support the rest of your spine. There are fewer of these vertebrae than those cervical or thoracic, but they can still substantially impact your overall comfort. If your lumbar vertebrae suffer infection or damage, you could find yourself in a significant amount of pain.
MoreAnterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF)
Lower back pain often reduces a person’s quality of life and may make it difficult to sit, stand, or move. Sometimes, non-invasive pain management techniques can alleviate pain or mask it for a while. However, a point generally comes where patients must take additional steps to get some relief. This often includes some type of spinal fusion surgery.
MoreAnti-Inflammatory Injections
Chronic back, neck, or joint pain doesn’t always require surgery. Often, pain and other symptoms can be relieved with anti-inflammatory injections. The pain relief individuals experience after an anti-inflammatory injection can last a long time.
Arthritis is an umbrella term that refers to inflammation of the joints. This can be due to many factors, including genetics, aging, prolonged joint stress from activities like running or playing sports, weight gain, and hormonal changes.
MoreArtificial Disc Replacement Surgery
Artificial disc replacement surgery has become very common in recent years. The procedure involves replacing damaged discs in the spine with artificial ones. This surgery is usually performed to treat back pain caused by degenerative disc disease or other conditions.
Dr. Katzman has recently been recognized by Newsweek for his exemplary work in the field of minimally-invasive spine surgery. Click here to see why.
MoreAxial Fusion
This is a new and exciting tool to repair a worn disc. With a small hidden incision near the tailbone a painful worn disc can be replaced and fused. This is relatively simple and usually bloodless procedure that can fix your back. It offers a quick recovery, less pain, and minimal visible scars for a full fusion.
MoreBack Pain
Back pain is a broad term used to describe pain along the lumbar spine. The characteristics of back pain can vary widley, and the pain can be attributed to anything from brusing to more serious spinal conditions like disc tears or degenerative disc disease.
MoreBulging Disc
A disc bulges when the outer layer of a vertebral disc swells outward and places pressure on the surrounding nerves and structures. Although a bulging disc is similar to a herniated disc, it is different in that the inner material has not seeped out through the outer layer of the disc. A bulging disc will usually occur in the lower back or the neck, but may also very rarely be found in the mid back.
MoreCancer Pain Treatments
Tumors (cancer) can grow fast. They can spread to your spinal (vertebral body) and spinal canal (where your nerves are). When this happens you may experience pain, numbness, tingling and even weakness. We can stop that. Our innovative and aggressive pain control methods can help control your cancer pain.
MoreCandidacy check
This tool is designed to quickly and easily provide you with information on specific treatments for which you may be a candidate. It can also let you know if you are indeed eligible for any specific treatment you choose to inquire about. Any information you provided is kept confidential and is not distributed.
MoreCarpal Tunnel Syndrome
The median nerve in the wrist is pinched. Compression of that median nerve can cause pain in the wrist, hand and fingers. Also numbness in the fingers can cause you to drop things. Hand weakness can occur if the problem is not addressed. It can be caused by a variety of circumstances and conditions.
MoreCervical Deformities
Cervical deformities are a group of abnormal changes in the shape of the cervical spine. They can result from various factors, including trauma, muscular imbalance, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis. These conditions may lead to pain and impaired movement.
MoreCervical Disc Arthroplasty (CDA)
Of all the surgical treatments available at Orthopedic Laser & Spine Surgery, cervical disc arthroplasty (CDA) is among the most beneficial-especially for our patients suffering from cervical disc issues and chronic neck pain. No matter your condition, you should settle for no less than the best if you need to undergo a cervical disc arthroplasty.
MoreCervical Disc Replacement
Cervical disc replacement is an amazing new technology performed to replace a damaged, herniated, or painful disc while maintaining motion in the spine. Instead of performing a traditional spinal fusion, an artificial disc is inserted to replace the old damaged disc. The new disc actually moves and is designed to not reduce any motion, a problem common in spinal fusion procedures. A cervical disc replacement surgery is performed in an outpatient setting with little to no blood loss. After the surgery there is no need for a neck brace and patients are even encouraged to move their neck immediately following the procedure.
MoreCervical Herniated Disc
A herniated disc is when there’s an abnormal amount of pressure on one of the discs in your spine. The disc can no longer support that pressure, rupturing or tearing apart. The disc’s inner material then presses against nerves in the same area, causing pain, numbness, tingling sensations, and more.
MoreCervical Spinal Stenosis
Cervical Spinal Stenosis is the narrowing of the cervical spine pathway of the spinal cord. The spinal cord needs proper room to work. It controls things such as your arm and leg movements and bladder and bowel control. If it is squeezed too much you can get shock like pain, tingling, arm weakness, arm and hand numbness, radiculopathy (nerve root pain or symptoms), clumsiness, loss of balance, difficulty walking and loss of bladder control.
Coccydynia is a medical term for the pain caused when you sit down abruptly placing too much pressure on your coccyx and damaging it. Damage to the coccyx is difficult to heal and sometime will not heal completely. Because this bone is not needed in our body, sometimes it is easiest just to remove it to alleviate the pain from a traumatic fall if conservative treatment methods fail.
A coccygectomy is a surgical procedure performed to treat chronic pain in the coccyx or tailbone, often resulting from a fracture that never fully heals. Since the body doesn’t need the coccyx, its removal can permanently alleviate pain. Tailbone fracture surgery typically involves making a one to two-inch incision over the coccyx, dissecting the periosteum (protective cartilage) from the bone, and extracting the coccyx. This procedure aims to reduce or eliminate pain, providing long-term relief for patients suffering from tailbone injuries.
MoreCondition Check
Welcome to an exciting new way to obtain a preliminary diagnosis online based on your symptoms, previous tests, and history. This tool’s confidential results are often used by pain sufferers to assist them in seeking effective treatment, or as a confirmation of the existence of a specific orthopedic condition they may be concerned about.
MoreDegenerative Disk Disease Surgery
Around 40% of adults over 40 have a minimum of one degenerated vertebral disc. Approximately 80% of adults will have one by the age of 80. Disc degeneration is a normal aging process like gray hair and skin wrinkles. However, unlike wrinkles, discs that have lost strength and volume can lead to various issues, including back and neck pain.
MoreDisc Degeneration
Degenerative disc disease refers to spinal degeneration occurring as we age. It’s really not a disease but a set of circumstances that leads to the breakdown of the vertebral disc and surrounding structures. Degenerative disc disease usually starts to show itself as we age and the stresses we have put on our back over the years start to take their toll. Sometimes a trauma can cause it to occur prematurely. Degenerative disc disease is more commonly found in the neck and lower back, but can occur anywhere along the spine.
MoreDisc Tear
A disc tear often results from a combination of disc degeneration and trauma, such as a fall or sudden twisting motion. This injury can cause the inner disc material to push into the tear, sometimes leading to a full disc herniation. Common symptoms include pain, numbness, or tingling, often felt in the shoulders or arms for neck tears, and between the hips and toes for lower back tears. Initial disc tear treatment typically involves rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and heat and ice therapy. If symptoms persist, physical therapy or, in severe cases, surgery may be necessary to manage the condition.
A condition where the hip joint socket is abnormally shallow predisposing the labrum and cartilage to abnormal wear and tear and early arthritis.
MoreEndoscopic Discectomy
A very small incision is used to allow surgeons access to the affected area. The disc material is removed safely through a painless laser procedure or a very small grasper/biter. The technique is simple and bloodless under our expert hands. Only a very light sedation or anesthesia is utilized in conjunction with lidocaine and marcaine as local anesthetics. Patients are comfortable throughout the procedure and are able to go home the same day. They can generally return to normal activity in a few weeks.
MoreEndoscopic Foraminotomy
An endoscopic foraminotomy is performed to remove debris from a clogged foramen. By removing the debris, a compressed nerve is released and painful symptoms are relieved. An endoscopic foraminotomy is performed as an outpatient procedure with the patient being encouraged to walk following the procedure. Recovery time is minimal and most people are back to work within the week.
MoreEpidural Steroid Injection
An epidural injection is used to block pain caused by nerve impingement. The result is temporary but often used in conjunction with conservative treatment methods to provide short term pain relief. If therapy fails to correct the condition, other treatment should be pursued.
MoreExtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF)
A minimally-invasive surgical procedure, extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF), was developed as an alternative to traditional spine surgeries in order to effectively lessen postoperative complications and patient recovery time. During the operation, surgeons access the spinal cord through a small incision on the side of the body, allowing them to avoid damaging any back muscles.
MoreFacet Ablation or Rhizotomy
Using advanced laser treatment, facet ablation and rhizotomy effectively stop facet-mediated pain by removing sensory nerves that signal pain to the brain. Rhizotomy and ablation serve the same purpose of damaging nerve fibers to alleviate pain. Rhizotomy is a general term for procedures targeting these nerves, while radiofrequency ablation (RFA) specifically uses heat to achieve this. Alternatively, chemical ablation employs a toxic substance to damage the nerves. The laser technique cuts the nerve connection, preventing pain transmission. The procedure is quick, simple, bloodless, outpatient, and safe. Dr. Scott Katzman holds a patent for this advanced treatment.
MoreFacet Block
For over 50 years doctors have been performing facet blocks to treat facet mediated pain. With the addition of stem cells the blocks now are potentially “a lot more powerful” and more likely to leave you pain free. Stem cells can be harvested safely and painlessly from your body and then used in the facet block procedure to create a much more powerful and lasting nerve block.
MoreFacet Fusion
A facet fusion procedure is a reliable treatment for chronic facet pain caused by facet joint syndrome or spinal arthritis. During the surgery, a spacer is placed into the facet joint to stabilize it and stop the joint from rubbing on the nerve, thereby eliminating pain. By fusing the vertebrae in the affected area, joint movement is stopped, providing permanent relief. This is a simple outpatient procedure with a quick recovery time, allowing most patients to return to work within a week.
MoreFacet Joint Disease
Facet joint disease is a condition that occurs in the spine and develops over many years as the facet joints begin to break down through every day wear and tear. The facet joint can become painful with a single traumatic episode. Facet joint disease is more commonly found in the areas of the spine where there is more movement (bending and flexing). It usually occurs in the neck or lower back, but as these facets joints begin to degenerate and there is more pressure placed on nearby facet joints, the process begins to cascade along the spine.
MoreFailed Back or Failed Neck Surgery Syndrome
Failed back or neck surgery occurs when a previous surgery has failed to provide results that would reduce or completely alleviate the patients back pain. Failed back and neck surgery is often a result of improper diagnosis, failed fusion, or lack of experience on the operating surgeons part.
MoreForaminal Stenosis
Foraminal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the vertebral foramen whether it be from debris or other conditions. When the foramen begins to narrow, the nerves exiting it can become compressed leading to painful symptoms that are felt in the area as well as either the arms or legs. Foraminal stenosis can occur anywhere along the spine but is most commonly observed in the neck or lower back.
MoreFusion vs Disc Replacement
Cervical Fusion Surgeries have long been the standard treatment for many serious conditions of the neck. However, traditional fusions are outdated due the number of risks, extensive recovery time and substantial cost.
MoreHerniated Disc
A herniated disc is a vertebral disc that has broken down to the point where the inner material, called the nucleus, has seeped through the wall of the vertebral disc and causes pain in the surrounding structures or nerves. A herniated disc can occur in the lower back, the neck, and rarely in the mid back.
MoreHip Arthroscopy
Arthroscopic procedures on the hip allow a surgeon uses a small optical device to view and work on the hip joint with a minimally invasive technique.
MoreHip Impingement
A disorder of the hip joint caused by bony overgrowth that results in damage to the labrum and cartilage of the hip.
MoreHybrid Lumbar Spine Surgery
Some spine injuries result in damage to the discs, and they need to be repaired or replaced for you to get back to a pain-free life. The best course of treatment may be a hybrid lumbar spine surgery, where we combine a tried and proven lumbar fusion technique with artificial disc replacements.
MoreImpar Ablation
An impar or Radiofrequency ablation procedure is performed to reduce or eliminate coccyx or tail bone pain. Radiofrequency burning of the nerves responsible for coccyx pain is safe and effective. This is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure, with no blood loss and is relatively painless.
MoreImpar Block
An impar block is an injection of medication that numbs and blocks pain signals from a damaged nerve in the coccyx or tailbone area of the spine. The results are temporary and as such an impar ablation is usually required for more permanent solutions. Find out more information on impar and radiofrequency ablation here.
MoreInterlaminar Spacer
Interlaminar spacers, like X-stop (Medtronic) and ILIF (NuVasive), can help treat central and foraminal stenosis minimally invasively in some instances. The spacer is surgically inserted at the affected segment of the spine to hold it in a degree of flexion and provide a larger area in the spine, relieving the stenosis. This removes the pressure from the nerves and reduces or eliminates the pain and symptoms completely.
MoreKyphoplasty Surgery
Kyphoplasty is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure that helps stabilize the spine and fix the abnormal collapse of the bones caused by a vertebral compression fracture. Osteoporosis and metastatic cancer—a type of cancer that spreads from one part of the bone to another—are most commonly the cause of these fractures. Kyphoplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia and takes about an hour.
Kyphosis is a medical condition where the spine curves forward. Kyphosis can occur in adults or children. It is usually caused by an acute injury or disease that weakens the muscles around the spine. Kyphosis may also be caused by a tumor pressing against the spine.
MoreLabral Tears
The labrum is a fibrocartilaginous rim of tissue that essentially deepens the socket of the hip and improves stability. If the hip pops or locks, this may be a symptom of a labral tear. If a torn labrum is unstable and flips into the joint, this may cause rapid wear and loss of cartilage.
MoreLoose Bodies
A condition due to pieces of bone or cartilage floating around the hip joint. As the cartilage in the joint wears out, pieces of cartilage, and sometimes bone, can break off and create this condition.
MoreLower Back Pain
As people age, bone strength and muscle elasticity and tone tend to decrease. The lumbar discs begin to lose fluid and flexibility, which decreases their ability to cushion the vertebrae. If the spine becomes overly strained or compressed, a disc may rupture or bulge outward. This rupture may put pressure on one of the more than 50 nerves rooted to the spinal cord that control body movements and transmit signals from the body to the brain. When these nerve roots become compressed or irritated, lower back pain results.
MoreLumbar Disc Replacement
It seems like everyone has to contend with some degree of lower back pain these days. Sedentary lifestyles can lead to persistent lower back pain, particularly if you don’t take regular stretching breaks.
MoreLumbar Fusions
Lumbar fusion treatments are designed to help patients who have been contending with long-term pain. If you’ve been struggling to overcome a stiff spine or significant daily discomfort, you can discuss whether or not this treatment may be in your best interest.
MoreLumbar Laminectomy Surgery
Arthritis of the spine can lead to pressure on the spinal cord and other nerves that impede their function. If you are experiencing issues such as pinched nerves, difficulty sitting, or you have arthritis of the spine, you may need a lumbar laminectomy surgery. This surgery removes small parts of the spine along your back, specifically bone spurs if they exist, to take the pressure off.
MoreLumbar Microdiscectomy Surgery
If you have a herniated disc and it is causing pain or other problems, your doctor may recommend a lumbar microdiscectomy. This is a procedure to help relieve the problems caused specifically by herniated discs.
MoreLumbar Microendoscopic Discectomy Surgery
Surgery is, by its very definition, invasive. Every surgery requires a level of invasiveness to be effective. However, the negative impacts on the body can be minimized with the help of new technology.
A microdiscectomy is a type of minimally invasive spinal surgery to remove any disc material that is pressing on a nerve root or spinal cord. The incision necessary in a microdiscectomy is a little larger than that of an endoscopic discectomy, but smaller than traditional open back discectomy. A microdiscectomy can be performed as an outpatient procedure, with most patients being discharged on the same day of the procedure. It is very rate that a patient may be required to stay overnight stay in the hospital.
MoreMotion Preservation Spine Surgery
Motion preservation surgery is a non-invasive procedure used to treat patients with spine conditions. These conditions may also be referred to as degenerative disc disease, herniated disc, or pinched nerve. If you’re looking for information about motion preservation spine surgery, here is information on the benefits of this procedure and what you should expect from it.
MoreMRI Review
If you’ve had any recent diagnostic tests, why not put them to good use? This tool enables you to easily and securely send us those results, where they will be reviewed by a certified orthopedic specialist. Need a diagnosis, a second opinion, a treatment recommendation, or just an opportunity to casually discuss your next step with a doctor? We’re standing by.
MoreNeck Pain
Neck (cervical) pain can be attributed to anything from bruising to orthopedic conditions such as disc tears, degenerative disc disease, and more.
MoreOblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion (OLIF)
Back pain is one of the most debilitating and pervasive conditions people can experience. Oftentimes, doctors will prescribe pain management techniques to help. However, sometimes these pain management techniques are not enough, and the pain will continue to interrupt a person’s daily activities and may even reduce their quality of life.
Osteoarthritis is a condition that develops when the joint cartilage in your body wears away, leaving bone to rub directly against bone. Osteoarthritis most commonly affects the knees and hands but can also impact other joints such as the hips, spine, and pelvis. It is one of the most common chronic diseases among older adults.
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become weak and are more likely to break. Osteoporosis is also known as “porous bone” or “fragile bone” disease. If left untreated, it can lead to painful fractures.
MorePatient Forms
If you have been told to use one of our online forms prior to a visit or treatment, please look below. If you have any questions, or do not see the specific form you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to call or email us.
MorePercutaneous Carpal Tunnel Release
We perform an outpatient percutaneous release of the pinched median nerve. It is safe simple and allows you to return to activity almost immediately. The incision is smaller than a postage stamp, and there is no appreciable blood loss.
MorePercutaneous Discectomy
A percutaneous discectomy is the most minimally invasive technique possible used to surgically treat disc bulges, protrusions, and small contained herniated discs. There is no blood loss during the procedure and can be performed in an outpatient environment with most patients returning to work within a week.
MorePinched Nerve
A pinched nerve is a condition that occurs when surrounding tissue or structures compress the nerve and reduces its ability to function properly. The most common places in the spine that a pinched nerve occurs are in the neck or lower back. If the lower lumbar nerves become compressed or pinched, this condition is commonly referred to as sciatica. More information on sciatica can be found here.
MorePosterior Cervical Foraminotomy Surgery
Start treating your bulging discs with the Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery team. Our posterior cervical foraminotomy surgery and other treatment options are available to help ease your pain and usher in comfort.
MorePosterior Cervical Fusion
Many neck issues result from degenerative changes in the cervical spine’s intervertebral discs and the joints between each vertebra. Other problems are due to the injury of different spinal parts or earlier surgery complications.
MorePosterior Cervical Fusion with Instrumentation
Talk with our Spine Surgeons about if Posterior Cervical Fusion with Instrumentation.
More Posterior Cervical Laminectomy Surgery
Start treating your symptoms with the Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery team. Our posterior cervical laminectomy surgery and other treatment options are available to help ease your pain and usher in comfort.
MorePosterior Cervical Laminoplasty Surgery
Start treating your symptoms with the Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery team. Our posterior cervical laminoplasty surgery and other treatment options are available to help ease your pain and usher in comfort.
MorePrivacy policy
Thank you for visiting the Orthopedic and Laser Spine Surgery (OLSS) website. Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used on this website.
The decision to undergo spinal fusion surgery is not one to take lightly. If you have fusion surgery, you usually get it to limit the movement in the impacted area of your neck or back to help restore stability to the spine and eliminate or minimize your pain levels after a damaged disc gets removed. However, a fusion can fail after surgery. When this happens, pseudarthrosis occurs.
MoreQuick Contact Form
If you have a question regarding Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery, our services, or if you’d just like to speak with someone as soon as possible, please use this contact form. Our services are confidential, and we do not share your contact or medical information.
Radiculitis refers to the neurological symptoms caused by a pinched, compressed, irritated, or inflamed nerve. These symptoms can occur anywhere along the spine but are most commonly seen in the lower back or neck. Radiculitis treatment often involves a combination of conservative approaches. Physical therapy can help relieve pressure on the affected nerve, while medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and nerve pain medications reduce pain and inflammation. In some cases, medical procedures like epidural steroid injections may be recommended to provide relief and improve mobility.
Radiculopathy is a term that refers to nerve problems that have been left untreated in the spine. The problems are considered chronic and can be observed in any section of the spine, but are most commonly seen in the lower back or neck.
MoreResurfacing Shoulder Replacement Treatment
A small incision is made and the arthritic shoulder joint is exposed. The arthritic areas are scraped away or removed and covered with an implant. The glenoid, or opposite side, sometimes is also treated with a “graft jacket” to cover it and protect it from continued wear. This surgery is generally done as an outpatient procedure with little to no blood loss. Patients may expect to be back at work performing light duties within a week. More healing is required before heavy lifting, or sports activities are to be attempted.
MoreRevision Spinal Surgery
Spinal surgery can be an overwhelming process to begin with, as it often necessitates a long recovery period. Patients and surgeons alike hope for successful outcomes that reduce or eliminate back pain and increase quality of life. Unfortunately, not all back surgeries are successful. Sometimes, patients don’t get any relief from their pain or still end up struggling with mobility.
MoreSacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and impairment can contribute to lower back pain and/or pain in the legs. The pain can be particularly difficult, and may feel like sciatica or pain due to a lumbar disc problem. The sacroiliac joint lies next to the base of the spine, below and behind the lumbar spine, and above the coccyx. It connects the sacrum with the ilium (hip bone).
Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed due to an underlying spinal condition, affecting the lower back. Symptoms can radiate to the buttocks, legs, and feet. Orthopedic doctors specialize in conditions of the skeletal system, making them an excellent choice for treating sciatica originating from lower back issues. They conduct thorough evaluations and recommend non-surgical treatments like physical therapy and medications or surgical options if necessary.
MoreShoulder Arthritis
Arthritis in the shoulder is caused when the joint that holds the shoulder blade socket and the ball of the arm bone together has become damaged or the cartilage has begun to wear out. Arthritis in the shoulder is quite painful and will get progressively worse if treatment is not sought out.
MoreShoulder Tendonitis
Shoulder tendonitis occurs when there is inflammation around the rotator cuff tendons of the shoulder joint. The two most common causes of shoulder joint tendonitis are sports injury, where there is low impact repetitive damage to the affected area, or a sudden trauma to the shoulder.
MoreSnapping Hip Syndrome
This condition is often painful and is caused by rubbing of a tendon around the hip joint over a bony surface.
MoreSpinal Bone Spurs
A spinal bone spur is an abnormal bone growth formed as the body attempts to heal another issue. These spurs can develop anywhere along the spine but are most problematic in the lower back and neck, causing intense pain and other symptoms. Treatment for bone spurs on the lower spine includes several approaches: steroid injections to reduce joint swelling and pain, NSAIDs to relieve pain and relax muscles, physical therapy to restore flexibility and strength, and rest to alleviate pressure on the nerves. In severe cases, surgical options may be considered.
MoreSpinal Compression Fractures
Spinal compression fractures can occur when the bones in your spine are under too much stress. These bones will either crack or break, and this can cause a lot of pain and trouble moving.
MoreSpinal Fusion Surgery
If you’re experiencing back pain, know that you aren’t alone. It’s a common issue that around 80% of adults in the U.S. struggle with at some point in their lives. Fortunately, there is a treatment for it, but the type of treatment you receive will depend on what’s causing your pain. If you’re experiencing back pain because of excessive movement of your vertebrae (the bones of your spine), spinal fusion surgery may be a promising treatment option.
MoreSpinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the space in the spinal canal that is reserved for the spinal cord and the nerves that exit this area. When this area becomes narrowed, it places pressure on the spinal cord and surrounding nerves leading to neurological symptoms. They might experience buttocks pain, cramps in legs, difficulty walking, and even sciatica. Sometimes the back and leg pain are made better when leaning forward and walking such as leaning on a shopping cart. Spinal stenosis is most commonly observed in the lower back and the neck but occasionally presents in the middle back as well.
MoreSpine Deformities
Your spine is a long series of discs and vertebrae that work to keep you upright and balanced. When the spine has an abnormal curve, it is called a spine deformity. Because your spine helps you stand up, any curves prevent the spine from functioning properly and can cause pain and mobility issues.
MoreSpine surgery faqs
At OLSS, we take the time to listen to each patient to provide you with a positive and individualized treatment experience. We believe in equipping you with the knowledge needed to make an informed and confident decision about your spine care. View some of our commonly-asked questions below.
Spondylolisthesis occurs when there is vertebral slippage that has occurred in the spine. This means that a vertebra in the spine has slipped forwards or backwards onto an adjacent vertebra. Spondylolisthesis can occur anywhere along the spine but is most commonly observed in the lower back and the neck.
MoreStem Cell Therapy
Stem Cell Therapy is a procedure in which new cells are introduced directly into an injurious area or joint, promoting healing and growth. The multitude of administered cells allows the body to proceed with the healing process at an accelerated rate. This treatment has been recognized by the medical industry worldwide as the biggest medical breakthrough in natural healing. Athletes such as Kobe Bryant, Alex Rodriguez and Peyton Manning have traveled abroad for this unique treatment. And now, SCI brings this same solution to you right here in Florida.
MoreStem Cell Treatment
Not only do stem cells shorten the time it takes to recover and heal from an injury or procedure, studies have shown that they are also able to reverse the affects of aging.
Stem cells also behave like beacons that alert the body to send its own regenerative resources to the site and reactivate the healing process in situations where the body would not have done so voluntarily.
Inflammation of the hip lining tissue causing swelling, large collections of fluid within the joint, pain, and pressure.
MoreTingling or Numbness in Extremities
Tingling or numbness usually presents in more serious spine conditions. The partial or complete loss of feeling to one or all of your extremities is usually caused by pressure being placed on the corresponding nerve. This pressure can be caused by conditions such as herniated discs, sciatica, and a host of other conditions.
MoreTLIF (Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion)
When the spine’s discs wear our there is often associated pain and collapse of that disc causing nerves to become pinched. Pain from pinched nerves or arthritis to the disc can be severe and disabling. This is a problem that can be fixed with a new approach. It is minimally invasive and we have assembled one of the top teams in the country for just this procedure.
MoreTreatment Check
A wide variety of treatment options often exist for orthopedic conditions. Welcome to the exciting new way to quickly, easily, and confidentially learn about what treatments are most suited to your condition and your situation. The results of this tool often assist people suffering from pain to better understand their treatment needs, and better prepare them in planning their next step.
MoreTrochanteric Bursitis
This is a condition where the bursa (fluid-filled sack) around the hip joint becomes inflamed, commonly due to a tendon rubbing over the outside portion of the hip bone.
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