Oakland Park Spine Surgeon

Spine Surgeon/Back Doctor in Oakland Park

If you are searching for an award-winning spine and back doctor, you may be relieved to know that Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery (OLSS) is treating the community of Oakland Park. OLSS is proud to offer comprehensive, customized treatment plans for patients for their unique back and spine conditions. We understand that traditional approaches can be traumatic on the body and the recovery process; that is why we specialize in minimally invasive procedures to aid in faster healing and less scarring and bruising.

Our premier back and spine specialists use a comprehensive program that utilizes the latest technology, research, and treatments to support our 95% and higher success rate and fast recovery times. If you are experiencing back and spine pain that is interfering with your day-to-day life, the medical professionals at OLSS are here to help you.

Minimally Invasive Approach to Back and Spine Pain

Unlike traditional open surgery that may be traumatic on tissues and the body during the procedure, minimally invasive treatments are more gentle on the body, allowing for a speedy recovery and less damage to the surrounding tissues. One of the benefits is that the muscles are simply moved out of the way in minimally invasive treatments instead of cutting through. Additional benefits include:

  • Shorter hospital visit
  • Less scarring
  • Quick recovery times
  • Reduced pain
  • Minimal risk of complications

At OLSS, we pride ourselves on ensuring every treatment is tailored specially for client needs so that they can get back to enjoying the activities they may have had to give up and reduce or eliminate the pain they’ve experienced for so long.

What Treatment Options Are Offered at Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery?

At OLSS, we suggest conservative treatments first for neck, back, and spine conditions. If conservative treatments are not alleviating or reducing the pain you’re experiencing, and you still feel the negative effects in your daily life, you may benefit from the minimally invasive surgical treatments we offer.

Minimally invasive procedures use innovative, up-to-date, specialized equipment to remedy a wide range of back and spine conditions such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs, scoliosis, and degenerative discs. The following are some of the treatments we offer:

You may be able to achieve pain relief and improved range of motion through conservative treatments such as physical therapy, pain medication, and other conservative therapies we offer. If you have tried many conservative options to no avail, minimally invasive surgical treatment may be best for you. Speak with an Oakland Park back and spine specialist for a thorough evaluation of your back, spine, or neck condition for a treatment plan that best fits your needs.

What to Do if Your Back and Spine Pain Affects Your Daily Life

Back pain can present various other symptoms depending on the affected area. In cases of acute back pain, medical intervention is not always appropriate. However, if you are experiencing burning, sharp, shooting pains in the arms, legs, or neck, as well as other symptoms for an extended period of time, it is essential to see a back doctor.

You should consider speaking to a back doctor at OLSS in Oakland Park if:

  • Your symptoms are accompanied by a fever
  • If your back symptoms are the result of a traumatic injury or fall
  • If you experience pain, numbness, or tingling in your arms, legs, or neck
  • Back symptoms persist for more than two weeks
  • If you are experiencing abnormal weight loss or bowel problems

Completing a comprehensive evaluation with your back and spine specialist will give you options to remedy your back pain and assist you in getting back to daily activities you may have stopped being able to do. We use an exhaustive, comprehensive approach to avoid surgery, but if surgery is necessary, our minimally invasive approach will ensure a fast, complete recovery.

Speak with an Oakland Park Back and Spine Specialist at Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery

If your back and spine pain is debilitating to the point that it interferes with your day-to-day life, it may be beneficial to speak with an award-winning medical professional at Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery in Oakland Park. Whether your pain is mild or severe, the expert spine surgeons at OLSS will create a unique, comprehensive treatment plan to help your symptoms and heal the affected area so you can get back to doing the activities you miss.

Our world-renowned, compassionate medical team at OLSS understands that patients are unique, and so are their back conditions. We are proud to offer state-of-the-art, minimally invasive, and safe treatments that can help you experience a pain-free life. Call (855) 853-6542 or fill out our contact form to speak to a back and spine specialist and begin healing your neck and spine.

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