Spine Surgeon in Tamarac

Back, neck, or spine pain is frustrating and can stop you from going through everyday life. At Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery, we use high-level technology and state-of-the-art equipment to create treatment plans tailored to each individual. From non-surgical treatment methods to minimally invasive surgeries, our award-winning team utilizes their vast knowledge, experience, and research abilities to provide our clients with faster relief and recovery.

For those not already familiar with their condition, take our free assessment to receive an online preliminary diagnosis based on your symptoms. While not a complete diagnosis, this confidential tool can help narrow down the existence of a specific orthopedic condition you might be concerned about.

Already have an MRI? Our team of experienced neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic specialists, and physicians are here to help you on your journey to recovery. They can examine your results through our free expert review on our website.

Ways to Treat Non-Chronic Back Pain

There are many cases where back pain originates from routine problems, such as sleeping positions or posture. These are regular occurrences for many people and only require a doctor if pain continues to persist. Here are some examples of stretches and activities that can prevent back pain:

  • Exercising the muscles: Chest, shoulder, and core muscles can affect the body position. Try out some chest exercises that can realign your back.
  • Dynamic stretching: Stretching can significantly reduce tension in muscles that support the spine.
  • Change your sleep position: If you’re sleeping on your stomach, chances are you’re severely hurting your back. Instead, try aligning your back with pillows as you sleep on your side.

If you’re still experiencing back pain after using non-medical treatment, you should talk to your doctor about setting up an appointment.

When Is It Time to Seek Medical Treatment?

The American Chiropractic Association reports that the third most common reason for visiting the doctor’s office is back pain. Irritation and discomfort in the back may fade with time and home remedies. Still, if pain persists even after medication and exercises, it might be time to make a doctor’s appointment.

When making decisions about whether or not to see a doctor, the following symptoms can indicate a need for medical attention:

  • Persistent pain: Most back pain should subside, and if the discomfort continues to cause problems, then it may be a sign of an underlying injury or illness that needs to be checked on by a doctor.
  • Numbness or tingling: If you’re having a feeling of pins-and-needles, you might be suffering from nerve damage, which could cause permanent disabilities if left unchecked.
  • Pain shooting down your leg: This symptom is a sign of nerve damage within the spine and could cause permanent disabilities and nerve loss. If the sciatic nerve is compressed by a herniated disk or bone spur, you’ll need immediate medical assistance.
  • Past injury or related illness: If your spine or back suffered damage from a traumatic event, there’s a high possibility that your current pain stems from past issues and should be treated by a medical professional.
  • Bladder or bowel issues: At the base of your spine, there’s a collection of nerves known as the cauda equina. Those with back pain and a loss of control of bowel movements may have cauda equina syndrome and should call a doctor immediately.

If you’re experiencing significant changes in your body and back pain, you should also make an appointment with your primary care doctor. A great rule to follow is that if your everyday normal aches and pains start to fluctuate and worsen, it would be best to call the doctor.

Common Procedures at Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery

From non-surgical conservative methods of care to gentle minimally invasive surgeries, our team has many treatment options. Here are a few more common procedures:

  • Artificial disk replacement: In the spinal column, a plastic or metal artificial surrogate replaces a degenerated disc.
  • Microdiscectomy: This procedure relieves back and leg discomfort by removing pressure from the nerves.
  • Coccygectomy: For this operation, doctors will remove damaged bone caused by injury or other trauma.
  • Endoscopic discectomy: By removing damaged discs from the spine, doctors can relieve pain in the back or neck.

Our doctors and medical professionals at Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery use the finest technology and research to build a tailored treatment and recovery plan that best fits your needs.

Expert Back & Spine Surgeons in Tamarac, Florida

Our experienced and professional neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic specialists, and physicians are here to help you find much-needed relief and get you on the road to recovery. If you suffer from back, spine, or neck pain and live near Tamarac, Florida, visit our local Orthopedic & Laser Spine Surgery office. We dedicate our practice to providing our clients with a treatment made for their specific needs. Contact us or call (855) 853-6542 today to find out how we can help relieve your pain.

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